You can TRUST we are CovidSAFE


(Updated 13th Dec 2021)

Your health & hygiene, as well as the health & hygiene of all our staff, & their families remains our highest priority in continuing to help you.

We Thank you for being patient with us while we work our way through our safety and precaution processes once Qld Borders open on December 13th, 2021.

Here is some information we would like to share with you:

Information Specific to When Qld Borders Open

-All our Team will be Vaccinated, as mandated by the Qld Government for the Healthcare Sector

-We remain available for Consult to both vaccinated and unvaccinated clients, both face-to-face and via Telehealth.

    • We encourage you to let us know if you are concerned about your vulnerability status as we can offer some additional precautions to your safety for face-to-face treatments.

The  single most important thing we can all do at this time is:

DO NOT attend the clinics if you have any cold or flu symptoms.

-We know this seems like overkill, but with very little information provided by the Qld Govt on how they will be handling Businesses that are Contact Sites, we need to be a little overly cautious to avoid a temporary closure for deep clean & isolation requirements for our Team.

Vaccination Status

-Please do not be offended that we are currently requesting that you volunteer to share with us your Vaccination status (& date of last vaccination) by allowing us to view your Vaccination certificate when politely requested by our Team.

Your vaccination status does not affect the treatment you will receive, & your status will not be shared.

-We will be storing your vaccination status in our practice management software which meets all privacy and security guidelines.

-Your vaccination status information will only be used for the purpose of completing an internal risk assessment should a positive case present in clinic, and to determine the level of PPE (protective personal equipment) both you and your Therapist may be required to wear during your consult. At this time, Qld Health are still suggesting that Close Contacts will be self-isolated therefore, part of our Risk Assessment is knowing vaccination status & use of PPE while in clinic to avoid our Clinics be closed and Therapists having to isolate and being unable to work.

Other Precautions Our Team Will Be Taking

-All our Therapists are hands-on providers (other than Psychology and Dietitian) & will be wearing N95 Respirator Masks & Glasses during your face-to-face Consults until we deem what precautions Qld Health recommends. We will be requesting that you wear a surgical mask while in clinic (except when exercising)

-As an employer of a big Team, we have an obligation to protect our Team, Our Families & all of you who attend in clinic, so unvaccinated clients (or those who do not wish to declare their vaccination status) will also be asked to wear an N95 mask as added protection until we hear otherwise from Qld Health.

    • We will supply you with a fresh mask on arrival & ensure correct fitting. There will be an additional cost to you for this mask that is our purchase price (between $2-$4), or you are welcome to supply your own in intact packaging.

When Attending Your Appointment

-Please continue to Check-in using our QR codes at the doors

-Hand sanitise when you arrive or immediately wash your hands: cleaning should take 20-30 seconds

-We ask that you only walk into the Clinic at the exact time of your appointment and suggest you may like to wait in your car if you arrive early. We aim aiming to reduce the number of people crossing-over in the waiting room

-We have social distancing recommendations in place & we ask you remain 1.5m from Others (except for your Therapist)

-Our Frontdesk Team will be sanitising the Banking Terminal between every use should you need to input a pin. Where possible, WE REQUEST PAYING BY TAP-&-GO to avoid touching the Tyro terminal.

-During Classes, maintain distancing of 1.5m at all times & cleaning as you go will help us A LOT.


-Our Team will be cleaning all surfaces regularly through-out the day & are using an antimicrobial agent on all touchpoints as added protection.

-More santisers and wipes are available in all areas so please clean after yourself if exercising, and sanitise after touching your face, coughing/sneezing or using a tissue.



Our Team appreciate there are going to be some changes in our clinics, however, WE REMAIN COMMITTED TO PROVIDING YOU WITH THE MOST EXPERIENED PHYSIO, MASSAGE & OTHER HEALTHCARE ON THE GOLD COAST.

This plan is expected to be flexible and modified as further information is provided to small business on the management of Covid19 within Qld Communities.

Every one of us has the capacity to handle change and not let it become a burden, so we Thank You again for your ongoing support to our local GC Family Business.

Britt, Albie, Summa & Eva 2019  Britt Caling, Albie Firley & Our Team

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