I’m In COVID Isolation, So What Now?

6 Useful Tips

By Sports Physio Liam Ryan
With COVID running rampant in the Gold Coast community at the moment we are seeing a lot of people being stuck at home for seven days completing their mandatory quarantine. For those who develop symptoms, or those with no symptoms (hello close contacts) you might find yourself looking for things to do.

Part of being stuck at home is that we are likely to be more inactive. Below are a few ideas that you can do at home during your isolation period to keep you going, both physically and mentally.

1)    Practice mindfulness
– This can be a stressful time for many of us, so it can be worthwhile to take some time each day to practice mindfulness or meditate. There are plenty of resources out there to help with this, from guides to apps for your phone. Even just spending time sitting in a quiet place and focusing on your breathing can help.
For more information on mindfulness you can click HERE, and for more information on a useful application for your phone then click HERE.
2)    Have a stretch or do some yoga
– Pending your energy levels you may feel like a stretch if you have been sitting all day. Yoga can be a great option for this, and there are many great YouTube channels out there that you can follow along with (I persaonlly like Yoga with Adriene). Or you might like a few general stretches such as those seen HERE and HERE. Once you are out of isolation you may feel like trying Sarah’s Physio stretch & caht class, held at Burleigh on Monday nights.
3)    Get on top of that niggle
– Spend your time working on improving that niggle or injury you have been working through. Get stuck into the rehabilitation you have been provided by your physio or contact Our team for a Telehealth session for some guidance.
4)    Do a strength session
– Again if your energy levels are high enough, you might find yourself wanting to get the heart rate elevated. You don’t need access to a fully equipped gym to get a good workout in as there are plenty of creative ways to exercise at home. Our team can easily help create a program for you to do at home, again via telehealth.
5)    Keep a routine
– It can be easy to slip out of routine when isolating. You may find simply sticking with a set time to go to bed and to wake up a great way to keep some routine in your day and make the transition out of isolation easier. You can go one step further and keep your meals at similar times!
6)    Keep a healthy diet
– After the previous one it is important to not take this time to over-indulge in unhealthy foods or alcohol. This isn’t going to make you feel any better! You may also take this as a chance to try a new recipe, why not be adventurous? HERE are some isolation tips from our friends at EatSmart Nutrition, and Steff the dietitian can help provide further guidance.

Our team is always here to help, and if you need assistance with any of these areas during then get in contact on 07 5500 6470.

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