Do you feel like you rush around all day, every day? Do you sometimes feel busy & overwhelmed? Do you just need to learn how to slow down & be more mindful???

By Physio & Yoga Teacher, Sarah Bombell

In this day and age we are always on the go. Constantly on the move with work, family, social and sporting commitments. We are getting up earlier and staying up later so we can pack more tasks into the day. How often do you allow yourself time to stop and breathe?

And Does this really matter for our health??

Our autonomic nervous system is a division of the nervous system that controls our involuntary bodily functions such as blood pressure, digestion, heart rate and rate of breathing. The autonomic nervous system is split into 2 different divisions: The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

The sympathetic nervous system is known as our “fight or flight” response. From an evolutionary stand point this is our defence mechanism that heightens our awareness and prepares us to either defend ourselves or run away from the threat of a predator. When you’re feeling on edge or anxious your SNS is in control. Your heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate will rise, you will get sweaty palms and your blood gets redirected to the muscles which will make you feel tense.

The parasympathetic nervous system is known as our “rest and digest” response. The PNS helps to slow the heart rate and respiratory rate while redirecting the blood to the digestive system all helping us to literally rest and digest. This is how we recover not only physically but also mentally.

Our bodies are in a constant balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Unfortunately today’s society causes many of us to be constantly in a state of fight or flight and we’ve lost our ability to rest and digest. The constant sympathetic drive and  release of stress hormones eventually take its toll on the body and can lead to poor sleep, poor recovery, anxiety, fatigue and even poor overall health.

So what can we do??

Learn to slow down.

There are many ways we can do this, its all about finding something that works for you.  Practicing mindfulness is a great way to calm the mind and body allowing yourself to “rest and digest”. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing your attention on the present moment and becoming aware of what you are feeling in your body. This is achieved by controlling, slowing and focusing on the breath and not allowing the mind to wander. Mindfulness can be practiced in sitting or through movement however it can often be challenging to switch the brain off.

That’s why I love yoga!!

People often think of yoga as just stretching, but it’s much more than that.

The benefits include:

  • increase in flexibility,
  • improved balance and coordination,
  • increased strength and
  • stress management through guided mindfulness.

An entire yoga class is dedicated to slowing and controlling the breath while focusing on the body. Every class starts and finishes with focused mindfulness of being still and breathing, with the middle of the class dedicated to controlling the breath with movement. Although it can sometimes be physically challenging, by the end of a class your body will slow down and upon finishing you will feel completely relaxed with your parasympathetic nervous system in control.

For me yoga is not only about being fit, strong and flexible but also about managing stress. I always leave the class feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated.

Why Try Physio yoga??

Physio yoga is more gentle than a traditional yoga class.  My classes are relaxed and non-intimidating. I am able to program and modify movements to suit each person individually, your pain, injuries and your issues.  Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health Physio Yoga classes are limited to 8 participants, allowing me to get around to every participant and correct postures, and check in with you individually.

Come and try your FIRST CLASS FREE and feel the benefits.

Bookings are essential, so if you are interested in joining me then give the clinic a call on 07 5500 6470 to book your class. If you have lots of injuries and are unsure if Physio Yoga is for you, ring and leave me a message and we will discuss your individual needs and see how we can make Physio Yoga help you.