Myofascial Therapy

What is Myofascial Therapy?

By Massage Therapist Simon Poxon

Myofascial Therapy (also know n as Myofascial body work, Active Release Therapy , or Myofascial release) is a specialised massage technique working with the muscular and fascia systems of the body. The fascia system is a tissue that envelopes the muscular system and energises, supports and connects all of our tissues and translates muscle contraction into organised movement. Over time  our bodies are prone to injury or restriction in movement due to the muscular and fascia systems becoming tight,  restricted or developing adhesion’s.

Direct myofascial release techniques attempt to bring about changes in the myofascial structures by stretching or elongation of fascia, or mobilising adhesive tissues. The practitioner moves slowly through the layers of the fascia until the deep tissues are reached and improvements in fascial mobility are made.

A good example of someone who would benefit from a postural assessment and Myofascial Release Therapy is a cyclist.  Cyclists usually maintain flexed position for long periods of training on the bike.  Myofascial Releases would be most likely used in this athlete on their quads, hip flexors, front of the chest, neck and even front of the shin.

Myofascial Release Techniques are not just useful for athletes.  A postural positioning into flexion is prominent throughout our life time: through sitting at desks at school while reading books, sitting on the couch watching television, driving a car, even while sleeping at night time curled up. The muscles and neural networks of the body that produce actions of flexion will become restricted and tight due to being constantly stimulated and contracted.

Another example is a Worker who sits at a computer all day. Such workers will also experience tightness and shortened tissue at the front of their body from these tissues being placed at shortened lengths for prolonged periods.  If this is you, you will benefit from regular massage, and possibly Myofascial release techniques to counteract the effects of such long periods of flexed postures.

A person’s postural habits are easily identified by a trained Therapist. Performing a postural assessment of the body helps determine which muscles are imbalanced and potentially causing discomfort and lack of movement.  This assessment should be performed prior to beginning any myofascial treatment so that the correct tissues and fascia are treated.

Myofascial Release Therapy is just one technique both the Physio’s and Massage Therapists at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health will use to help restore balance, function and good posture and reduce your symptoms and discomfort.