An EatSmart Sports Dietitian approved mixture shown to stimulate collagen formation

Reducing your Injury Recovery Period

by EatSmart Dietitians

The research is out: It has been confirmed, with the help of a sports dietitian, your nutritional intake can help accelerate your injury recovery period!
-In the unfortunate event that you are injured or require surgery, there are steps we can take to minimise your return to activity time.
– It is a frustrating time when you are not able to train to your full capacity but optimising your nutrition intake, in particular in the acute inflammatory phase can improve your physical and mental state. Doing something is better than nothing!

Be aware that there are some: LIKELY CHANGES TO THE BODY during injury periods
– An Increase in Resting Metabolic Rate by 15-20%
– A Decrease to Energy Expenditure of training/activity
– An Overall need to maintain Energy Intake
– An Increased turnover of muscle tissue
– A Tissue resistance to the uptake of nutrients for healing due to inflammation

Sample injury nutrition changes include:
◾Keep to regular meal pattern, with a pre-bed option
◾Avoid high saturated fat foods (fatty meats, fried foods). Use healthy fats including fish, avocado and nuts
◾Avoid foods with high sugar content
◾Include protein foods at each meal/snack
◾Plenty of fruits and vegetables
◾Avoid all alcohol
◾Plus develop a personal plan for the use of fish oils and protein powder

gold coast dietitianA new injury nutrition protocol:
◾1 hour before any rehab or exercise session – consume an Eat Smart Sports Dietitian approved gelatin mixture that has been shown to stimulate collagen formation.

Contact us for more information- If you or you know someone that might benefit from this please contact an Eat Smart Sports Dietitian ASAP to sort out an individualised injury nutrition plan. Amelia Webster is  your GCPSH Sports Dieititian available at both Runaway Bay & Burleigh Clinics, ph 07 5500 6470