Goal Setting & Goal Getting for Endurance Athletes Seminar

Monday 22nd May 6:30pm Burleigh Clinic

Abra Garfield, MAPS CoSEP
BSc (Hons), MPsych (Sport & Exercise)
Sport and Performance Psychologist 

Abra is a performance consultant, therapist, educator, writer and mental coach for athletes, performers, coaches, professionals and leaders. He works as a wellbeing consultant for the AFL Players Association, as a guest speaker and workshop facilitator and in private practice with individuals and teams. Abra has personal experience to draw on, competing and coaching at the international level for over ten years and performing live music (Silver Medalist, World Ultimate Frisbee Championships, London 2016). He is the founder of Summit Performance Psychology.


An engaging Goal Setting process is a great way to improve the motivational climate and quality of your training activities and thus reach your potential. It engages the mind in personal growth and effort to improve, a great antidote for the nerves and pressure on winning. The toughest, and most important part of goal setting is what comes after- the ongoing goal-getting process.

Although determination, discomfort tolerance and commitment result in positive change, we don’t all like the adversity required to adapt. People are naturally driven by emotion, are reactive and struggle to stay motivated or stick to a plan long term. Sport Psychologists specialise in supporting and enhancing goal setting with a broad toolkit. This presentation provides an introduction to performance profiling, goal setting and goal getting methods to maintain motivation and reach your peak.


*Designing & Defining Goals (includes intro to Performance Profiling)
*Selecting Strategies (finding effective & efficient gold standard methods)
*Scheduling & setting timelines (coordinating with competition/life schedule)
*Defining measurement units to track growth and Benchmark
*Evaluating Success and failure to meet goals & Reward structures (Reinforcement)
*Tips for motivation and adherence (Sticking to the plan & developing drive)
Read more here:
Abra’s article- Performance Profiling & 10 tips for Goal Getting

Advantages of Performance Profiling

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